Christmas donations for soup kitchen
Seven million people in Nepal, around a quarter of the population, live below the poverty line and consequently every day from hand to mouth. The strict lockdown, imposed in March, became a greater, more existential threat each day for millions of people, because they no longer had any income. Many are starving, especially in Kathmandu and its environs. That is why we are asking you to give a very special donation towards a “soup kitchen”.
Our partner for many years in Nepal, Mr. Ang Tsering Lama, whom we hold in high regard for his reliability, will see to it personally that your donation will get to the people who are suffering starvation. This is done through an organization that for a long time has taken care of those suffering hunger in this region. It distributes food on a square behind the Paropakar Maternity and Gynaecological Clinic in Thapathali, Kathmandu
In this connection we have set up a separate account so that the donations do not get mixed up with those for the Sherpa School.
IBAN: DE11 7902 0076 0032 4851 70
Purpose of payment: “Soup kitchen”; to receive a receipt for your donation please add your address to the transfer.
We thank you with all our heart and wish you good health and a peaceful time coming up to Christmas!
Jutta Schaut & Team