Clean drinking water, even in a country abounding in water like Nepal, can’t be taken for granted. After many efforts the Sherpa School now has its own source that provides sufficient water. We check the quality once a year in conjunction with the Dr. Lehmann Biological Laboratory in Lautrach, Germany. Unfortunately, the water is repeatedly contaminated by Coli bacteria. The improvement and purification of the water is a project that is difficult to achieve in this almost impassable terrain. We continue to find a solution.
Large areas of Nepal have either no or only poor electricity supply. Based on the plans furnished by our association member Bernd Zäh and the construction by a Nepalese firm, we were able to bring our first own power plant into service. The 3 kW output is sufficient to provide light for the school building, the two dormitory buildings and auxiliary buildings. For additional energy, which is necessary e.g. for the rice cooker and the workshops, we built a 10 kW power plant. We thank the “Kindermissionswerk” for the Catholic Church in Aachen for taking over a major part of the costs. Meanwhile, we are also using energy from the sun – solar panels on the roofs of the shower facilities are providing hot water.