The team

Jutta Schaut
project manager
My love of the people and the country led me in August 2000, after a visit to Nepal, to start the project. As project manager, I am responsible for the overall management, administration, sponsorships as well as the organisation and the holding of lectures and other events in Germany. When I am at the school, I see to sponsorship administration, teacher training and cooperation with organisations and hospitals in Nepal.

Manuela Kopp
Ich bin die Schatzmeisterin des Vereins. Mir obliegen die Aufgaben der Finanzverwaltung wie z. B. die Erstellung der Zuwendungsbestätigungen oder auch die Erstellung der Körperschaftssteuererklärung zum Nachweis der Gemeinnützigkeit.

Gaby Drüppel
I am a psycho-motor therapist and therapeutic puppeteer at the “Hans Schöbel School” in Würzburg, where I work with physically and multiply disabled children and young people in the therapy department. I try to implement my knowledge on-site in Nepal and from Germany. In the project, I feel responsible for the concerns of disabled children, guiding the parents and providing aid equipment. Working in the German and the Nepalese teams has enriched me personally. It has been a pleasure for me to do so since 2005

Uta Henk
My name is Uta Henk. Since the project began, I have been actively involved in supporting the team. One of my responsibilities is checking the finances and providing advice.

Helmut Greß
Public relations
My name is Helmut Greß. I am a retired special-needs schoolteacher, specializing in physical and learning disabilities. My field of activity in the project is photo documentation, public relations and representation.

Bernhard Zäh
Power and water supply
My name is Bernd Zäh. I am an engineer for hydraulics and hydropower, so my expertise can contribute to the improvement of the Sherpa School’s power and drinking water supply.

Tina Schäfer
Mein Name ist Tina Schäfer. Während einer längeren Asienreise 2017/2018 habe ich Nepal kennen gelernt und in mein Herz geschlossen. Als Naturwissenschaftlerin und Yogalehrerin ist mir die Bildung der Kinder ein besonderes Anliegen. Ich helfe wo immer eine helfende Hand gebraucht wird, u.a. bei der Gestaltung und Pflege der Homepage.

Benedikt Schaut
I am Benedikt Schaut. I give the association support on issues as they occur.

Nadine Pikolleck
My name is Nadine Pikolleck. My main activity is translating sponsors’ letters and writing the minutes of the annual general meeting. Since a trip to Nepal in the Nineties I have been fascinated by the country and its people. During my last trip to Nepal I was also able to visit the Sherpa School. It was lovely to see how good the children have it there and how committed and how much heart and soul the teachers and co-workers there put into the project.

Petra Maiwald
Public relations
I am a physiotherapist at a school for physically disabled children in Würzburg. At a talk given there on the Sherpa School in 2001, I immediately felt inspired by this project. Since then I make daily wage and thank-you cards. I support the team in public relations and representation. A visit to Bamti left a very deep impression on me. During my stay there, I got to know the Nepalese children and staff and was able to use my professional expertise when working with the children.

Andreas Hollmann
In bin dem Verein und damit Nepal seit 2001 eng verbunden, war beinahe zehnmal im Land und an der Schule und bis 2024 der Schatzmeister.
The Nepalese team

The Ang Tsering Lama family
Children’s Help Nepal
Ang Tsering Lama und seine Familie sind von Beginn an in das Projekt involviert. Sie sind die Gründer unserer nepalesischen Partnerorganisation Children’s Help Nepal. Ang Tsering hat den Grund und Boden für den Bau der Schule kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Er und seine Frau Ang Kandi waren v. a. in den vergangenen Jahren wieder vor Ort.

Team vor Ort
Lehrkräfte, Handwerker, Köch*innen
Das Team vor Ort besteht aus dem Lehrkollegium (auf dem Foto grün-weiß gekleidet), einem Schreiner, mehreren Köchinnen, einem Schneider, einem Gärtner sowie einer Vielzahl von Hilfskräften. Immer wieder kommen ehemalige Schüler:innen als Angestellte in die Schule zurück. Dies freut uns nicht nur besonders, sondern signalisiert uns auch eine gewisse Verbindung und Verantwortung.
The Nepalese team at the school work independently. Our visits and regular E-mail contact ensure good cooperation. Exchange of ideas takes place on an equal footing and with mutual respect. We can only make changes there, if our Nepalese partners deem them to be helpful and suitable. Similarly, we German colleagues have to learn to listen to and understand the indigenous population. We are particularly proud of this respectful working together. It is for this reason alone that that it has been possible to make the Sherpa School so successful and to improve the infrastructure of the village